GPT 3.5 replies:
As of my last update in January 2022, Angie Keefer is primarily known for her work as an artist, writer, and editor. She has been involved in various projects in the contemporary art world. Keefer has contributed to publications, exhibitions, and collaborative projects, often exploring themes related to language, communication, and social structures. It's worth noting that Angie Keefer's work may have evolved or expanded since my last update, so I would recommend checking more recent sources for the latest information on her activities and projects.
So then you could read her collected writings, Second Thoughts — it‘s stellar [↓]:

Or you could look at a few of her previous exhibitions like this one, this one, or this one. You might just search the internet. Sandberg Instituut elaborates (full text here):
Angie Keefer (b. 1977, Alabama, USA) is an artist and teacher. In 2010, she co-founded The Serving Library, a not-for-profit artists’ organization dedicated to publishing, and, via publishing, to building an archive of materials to serve artist-run education. Keefer is the editor of History of an Art School (Konig, 2022), which chronicles fifty years of women students and faculty at the Yale School of Art as told through their testimony. Second Thoughts, a collection of her writings and visual works composed over the last ten years, was published in 2019. Version Space, an ongoing interview series (2019–) convened and edited by Keefer, brings graduate art students into conversation with artists working with Artificial Intelligence. 
Finally, look up her website ( which reports:
Today in class, Angie is going to speak about Version Space, a collective investigation around artists working with AI via a series of interviews conducted by students. These are edited, formatted, and released on the project website and through Library Stack. Angie will fill us in around the project’s evolution and context, and offer another take on what (design?) research might look like.

That is the first half of class. In the second half, we are going make pinhole cameras and view an eclipse.

Continues in class . . .